Wednesday 3 October 2012

warmer days or not

As a new mont and indeed new season grows upon us,we are hopefull that this will be the season of sunshine.That idea was put to bed fast by the petrol-price increasing,the continious strike in the mining sector,the latest unemployment figures(increasing),our president spending 200-million on his house in Qanda, all being said the rainbow of hope is still parading in our hearts.What is happening in our labour force!All of a sudden employers are awstruck by all the sudden strikes even though it is striking season.Workers just cant cope with the escalating food prices and constant fuel-hikes.Yet it profits no one when the countries  economy is brought to its knees by non-production.Why play hardball when everyone is losing on the long term?Can't everyone take a leave from our sporting heroes;the proteas only strike(choke)at big tournements and only for that period not longer,while bafana would love to strike but cant.Even our beleagered   Mr Juluis "cant die" Malema are feeling the heat of this new season,he is standing trail atlast for money-laundering.Even with all happening our beatifull country is shining on.

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