Monday 15 October 2012


Living is always better when its summer,isn't it?I just love the beautifull sunshine and cool evening breezes.So i always feel that,that warmth is transpiring,through to our lives cause we are always happier in summer.It takes me back to my first summer love.We would spend days on end just talking and starring at one another.She'd be the first one think about in the mornings.Isn't it just wonderfull how summer romances never last?Well two decades on and im bracing myself to give to give advice to my teenage boy on romance.Romance is to me the fuel that keeps the vehicle called "Life'running and heartbreak is the compasse that gives it direction.I remember a time when i thought is this thing called love not just an elution as so often eluted to.Does there always have to be a reason why get hurt and hurt people in return.Just as decided to settle down and be with someone that  felt right but i didn't love came my angel send from above.Than all made sense had i not go through all the pain and heart-ache,i'd never have found what i was looking for.So even in the darkerst of days,i keep faith that this is preparing me for my ultimate happyness which is always closer than it seems.

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