Friday 12 October 2012

life is good even when bad

So its been a tough week personally.So much to cope with and just no time to scrutinize every situation.I reached a stage where i just wanted to quit.Then i thought of all the comrades that fought for our freedom,that we can not surrender to life's curveballs,but persue the challenges with dignity.I prayed and found renewed spiritual energy.For when times are tough where else will we find strenght to continue?Why did i wanne give up?Well just thought about the state of our country and the prospects of a better country in the very forseeable future.I contemplated where im heading personally,what are my career ambitions,and how much have i achieved so far(if anything).The thuoghts of  my child's education parilysed my thuoghts completely,where will i get the money to send him to world class university for a better life.I thought am i living the rainbow dream-dream Tata Madiba sacrificed his life for?Why are we so taking our freedom for granted,how come we just give up when the going gets tough,but surrender so esy to impediments?Then GOD made me see that he has a plan for all of us,all we need to do is not give up and keep at it,He'll do the rest.

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