Monday 22 October 2012

almost their

As a new week lie in wakening.It brings with it more uncertainties and many happy moments hopefully.I reflect on a month gone by,in wich we all exected so much more.I for starters hoped for warmer weather than,the floods and cold,and hail-storms wev'e been experiencing lately.The seasons can be a real test of charachter.Like life we are more often than not supprised by what we get along the way.Iv'e lately come to reallise,that one at the age of 30 years and older,tend to think more about, the future your kids will have if you pass on.No im planning on drawing up a bucket-list,just yet.I just need to know my family will be well taken care of when i go into "that good night".It leaves me with cold sweat thinking i wont  be around,to see all of them happy and taken care of forever,for that i'll have to live to be a 100.Suddenly i've learned to appreciate life so much more,i've reallised that,nothing in life last forever and no -one  is immortal,even we live like it most of the time.Our country is still the rainbow it was intended to be,sure we've hit a bad patch enroute that dream,of living in  a peacefull country for all,with no poverty and crime,but we're pretty damn close.If everything is temporary,as has been proved,in the past lifetime,than this bad,that has pleagued our democracy is bound to end very soon.

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