Tuesday 5 May 2015

Forgotten memories!

That Sunday in February 1992 ehen late President Nelson Mandela, was released, is still vivid in my memories. Irecalla certain symbolic feeling of ffreedom amongst the majotity and perhaps becoming of sanity, to a minority. Theruling regime finall stopped pinching themselves.The rrealisation that, the natural order be restored, came more as a relieve to them, then the opposed.Im sure ghey spend days and even nights on end, tryi g to figure out how to suppress the vulnerable freedom seekers, for the years to come, with the impending hate that accumulated, over the decades. Even scarier more, was the fact that a more intelectually culture were cultivated, by the exiles, getting quality education abroad and with it bringing back more skills than their aging incumbents.Its one thing to suppress the uneducated mass, but impossible to deny intelectually creativeness to vanish, and its immortal. They could face amillion soldiers from the freedom fighters, but Iit was impossible to fight a thousand, intellects with, world classdegrees and hounours behind their name.We as children just wanted to run around and eenjoyed our little freedom of running unsupervised on a Sunday afternoon and being able to maximise our mischief, while our parents, celebrated their and our freedom for the first time.Not grasping the significance of the occasion, we were inattentive and casual about all that happened oround us.We took different memories from that day, Its years later that I finall am able to shed a tear, when realising just how that day, changed the landscape of our county and indeed the world forever. For in a day, roles were reversed with one man's release. Suddenly the villains assumed the role of heroes and degraded their persecutors not to the in humane suffering they endured but to, companions and compatriots of a country, given by God for all to share.So back than the late Brenda Fassie'S"My black president reverberated for daysIin our mind, today, I interconnect, the speech of the greatest freedom fighter, that didn't live to taste a day of freedom he dedicated his life for;Dr Marthin Luther King, saying in his world renowned speech "I have dream"?.......I dream of freedom.So many wonderfull memories on a journey we paid so deer for, forgotten, through thepprivilege it brought.Likewise we too often

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