Wednesday 5 August 2015

Sold out tears!

As the dust settles in the golden sunshine of our beloved South-Africa. I bow and salute the heroes that paid the ultimate price, to nurture the land of freedom.I suppose it was intended to make all live in happiness and harmony. Well twenty years on, I'm sure thei're crying in their graves appalled by the course of our country. As in their struggle , they fought as if it's always gonna last and as if the result will bring us all closer to the proverbial "Heaven on earth".Well if this is that "heaven" we live in today, than I'd never want to get close to hell. Our politics are more corrupt than that first world countries, our people endure more atrocious economical conditions than, countries in the poorest parts of Africa.The people we so excitingly and hopefully voted into power, are now using us as pawns, on their way to building dynasties for the families. Forgotten are the pain and blood, that carved the paths of unity.We become more devised daily, all in our quest for wealth, because suddenly we believe we immortal, hence we need to accumulate all the wealth we can devour, sometimes at the expense of the poor and normal South - Africans. Have the powers that be suddenly forgot that not too long ago they were also, living from pay cheque to pay cheque, queuing in lines to get loans, just to put food on the table.? Now they use fancy names like; Micro economics, Moving left or volition exchange Rate, to inflate food - prices and making impossible for the poor(or their fancy words"overindebted".We the working class are hoping everyday on a better day tomorrow,in the process setting us up for failure and dissappear mentioned. O! Why my beloved Politicians are you selling us, the helpless and poor working - class out to the unscrupulous and vindictive:Capitalism? My tears have gone from hope and bravery in the apartheid - era, to despondency and hopelessness today.We can only bend our knees and pray with sincerity, that God The Almighty will save us this time from this predicament.

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