Wednesday 11 December 2013


So ass our country and indeed the world at large,battle to comes to grip,to saying goodbuye to our beloved,Tata Madiba.We have all remnisce back on the life of this remarkable man.We collectively said our prayers,for God to welcome him into His Kingdom,no dought when we heard the news.Indeed it is now time for us to stand on our own feet.No more do we have the luxury of a "father",willing to guide our misdirectioins.He left an endless legacy,that we ourselves need to complete.I have heard many wonderfull speeches by the great man.To me the one that towers above the rest,is his speech at his inaugaration."NEVER,NEVER AND NEVER AGAIN........"

Tuesday 20 August 2013

When the mountain grows

So as we battle to survive in this rainbow missing some colours,we look to conquer the mountain within us all.So much has been achieved in our short democratic existence.We have achieved much more than the world anticipated.After all the pain of the past we thought it will be imposible to see our nation rise and be happy.That being said we still fight the everpresent battle,of poverty and unequel distribution of wealth.Still we live in a country where the imbalances created by the past,is dictating the future of the majority.Too few opportunities were created to,call us equel citizens of this country.Our education system is in such tatters and the gap between,public and private-school is growing.The inequality will only ever be adressed,if we imorove the level of public education to the same level of private schools.Make sure every child that finish school,goes to a tertiary institution and get a good education,to contribute meaningfully and informed to the countries growth and financial sustainibilty.We need to shift away from investing in all but education.Goverment must make full bursaries available for all pupils,to ensure all that starts grade 1 finish it if still alive.We need to create our own engineers and keep them in our country.That means that they will be tax payers,rather then social grants

Monday 7 January 2013

As 2013 lies in wake,so is our challenges luring frim a distance.Im possitive and optimistic for both myself and our country.The critics heraled,the ruling party's conference in Maugaung,Amargedon.Well we are still standing as a country. I believe  it was an example to the world of our rescillience as a nation.When the odds are stack against us we are flawless in our excecution.