Monday 19 November 2012

Mountain of despair is not invincible

We've all faced daunting tasks in our lifes.There were moments we just wanted to give up.When every wall we break down is replaced by a gigantic shield of iron.Should we then cut our losses  and move on?Well if the word failure exists in your vocabulary,then probaly should.I must confess,i have a very limited vocabulary.It only comprise of the words;perseverance,persistence and success.So i miight not always be succesfull but atleast i' ll never say  i regret not trying.At the moment we are trying to esteblish a rugby club in our community,but it proves to be quite a task.I've never had so many red-tape and administration in my life.All we want to do is let the youngsters do what they love best;which is playing the beautifull game of rugby union.Sure not all of them will go on to become Springboks,but if only the beatifull birds was allowed to fly,it would'f been an emty sky,wuold'nt it!We just want to lift their spirits by doing something possitive for themselves and their community.They should'nt be deprived of that opportunity because of red-tape and politics,and i for one will not retreat or surrender,i owe them joy of putting the pride back in in our community,plauged by ;crime,poverty,subtance-abuse and unemployment.We'll be relentless in our persue of happiness.