Thursday 27 September 2012


As  the leaves begins to turn,signalling the end of a season and the beginning of another,so is the political landscape in our country.Look i hate politics because of all the pretence and underhand alliances,behind the scenes.Though i do reallise active involvement is the only way i can try and influence the direction they lead my future.Still i believe despite all that's wrong alot is going or us as a country.We can still worship any religion or culture without fear of prosecution.Our political affiliation doesn't descimate us   from the majority of society.We can differ  with one another and still cheer on Bafana Bafana with equel passion.When tata Madiba gets sick,we all cry and pray together for his recovery.Our politics in principle has a policy of daiologue and debate,which is almost un- heard  of in Africa and most parts of the world.Yes i would love to see all of our lives improving and all of sharing in the vision of economic freedom,which former A.N.C-Youth league President,Mr Juluis Malema keeps heralding about,but im prepared to wait and continue to hold the powers  that be responsible,trough my vote and participating in council-meetings.Wouldn't wanne live any where else in the world.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

democracy under siege

A new era has dawn in 1990 when Nelson Mandela was released.We subsequently had our first democratic in 1994.Well today 18-years on that hard-fougt democracy,paid for with blood is bieng,trheathened by greed and personal ambition.I danced back then at the prospect of a prosperuos South-Africa.Today after years of hope i've given up and can just watch as my vote,wich was paid for with blood and sweat is being trampled upon.Why my goverment do you hurt me so much?I am now joke to those i preached to about how my goverment will lead us to the" promise land'.Why all the in-fights when the ruling party belongs not to anyone,it belongs to the masses ,which includes all races and creeds.Isn't it time become the goverment(party) that gave us hope when the odds were stack against us?When blood ran through the streets of our country,when mothers had to sacrifice their sons and daughters for the cause!Lets forget about who did what to whom and why, please give us jobs,build us homes please,give our children better education and ultimately a better future as entrenched in our constitution.Dont let all the blood and pain have been for nothing.